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Congratulations to Neuroscience's Dean's Honored Graduates!!

Congratulations to Neuroscience's Dean's Honored Graduates!! This year 4 of the 27 Dean's Honored Scholars gradauted with a degree in neuroscience.  Eva Beckett, Neuroscience, Distinction in Research    LuLu Eisenberg, Neuroscience, Distinctions in Research & Entrepreneurship    Ren Smith, Neuroscience, Distinctions in Research & Service and Leadership    Maya Kayla Webb,...

Dr. Mike Mauk receives President's Associates Teaching Award

Dr. Mauk was one of seven faculty across UT honored with the President's Associates Teaching Award.  This award recognizes great teaching of undergraduates in the core curriculum. Recipients are UT Austin’s educational innovators whose commitment and performance not only instruct, but inspire. Dr. Mauk also won a CNS Teaching Excellence Award...

Dr. Thibaud Taillefumier receives NSF CAREER Award

Dr. Thibaud Taillefumier receivesa NSF CAREER award for his project entitield "Nontrivial correlations in the neural code: a question of synchrony". This award will support Dr. Taillefumier’s research to understand how synaptic synchrony can stably emerge in neural networks that are plagued with biological noise.  In addition, the awards will support Dr. Taillefumier’s effort...

Rick Aldrich honored with Lifetime Achievement Symposium

Dr. Rick Aldrich recently retired to Emeritus status and in recognition of his contributions to the field and the legacy he has left through the work of his many trainees, he was honored by his colleagues with a Lifetime Achievement Symposium. Rickfest_program_full.pdf

Dr. Kristen Harris receives the University Co-operative Society’s Career Research Excellence Award

The Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors and the University Co-operative Society have award Dr. Kristen Harris the Career Research Excellence Award. This award is given to a  faculty member or staff researcher who has maintained a superior research, scholarly and/or creative endeavor across many years. Dr....

Dr. Micky Marinelli receives CNS Teaching Excellence Award!

Congratulations to Dr. MIcky Marinelli for receiving a 2022 CNS Teaching Excellence Award! The College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award celebrates the members of the CNS faculty that excel in the classroom. Recipients of CNS Teaching Excellence Awards are educational innovators, who embody and demonstrate commitment to CNS's mission: To provide...

Rick Aldrich awarded the Arthur Kornberg and Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences

STANFORD UNIVERSITY HONORS Richard Aldrich, Jr., PhD ‘80 The Stanford Medicine Alumni Association (SMAA) has announced that Richard Aldrich, Jr., PhD ‘80, will receive the prestigious Arthur Kornberg and Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences. He will be honored at a dinner held on the Stanford School of Medicine campus on...

Dr. Lief Fenno appointed to the APA Addiction Psychiatry Board

Dr. Fenno was appointed to a 3-year term as a member of the American Psychiatric Association Council on Addiction Psychiatry. The Council on Addiction Psychiatryprovides psychiatric leadership in the growing field of prevention and treatment of addictive disorders and works to develop and clarify the role of the psychiatrist in the prevention and treatment of...

Drs. Laura Colgin and Darrin Brager receive multi-PI RO1 from NIMH

Congratulations to Drs. Laura Colgin and Darrin Brager on their RO1 from the National Institute of Mental Health! This award will provide more than 3 million dollars over a four year period to support their their research proposal “Investigating mechanisms underlying impaired social and spatial cognition in rodent models of Fragile...

Dr. Lauren Dobbs receives RO1 from NIDA

Congratulations to Dr. Lauren Dobbs on her RO1 award from the National Institute of Drug Abuse! This award will provide over $2.4 million to support her research "Regulation of striatal microcircuits by endogenous opioids as a novel mechanism underlying cocaine seeking" Brief Summary:Recent epidemiological reports indicate that cocaine use increased by 45%...

Waggoner Center Affiliate Faculty renew INIA Neuroimmune consortium grant

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) renewed funding for the Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism (INIA) Neuroimmune consortium in January 2022. Dr. Messing is now the consortium coordinator, a role previously held by Dr. Adron Harris. Drs. Yuri Blednov & Robert Messing, Dr. Regina Mangieri, and Dr. Dayne Mayfield received funding...

Dr. Michael Drew elected president-elect of Pavlovian Society

Dr. Michael Drew was elected president-elect of the Pavlovian Society. He will serve as president in 2023 and host the Pavlovian Annual Meeting in Austin in Sept 2023

Dr. Dayne Mayfield receives R01 from NIAAA

Dr. Dayne Mayfield received an R01 award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for his proposal entitled "Gene Expression in the Human Alcoholic Brain". This project will use cell-type-specific RNA sequencing to define the brain transcriptome from human alcoholics and alcohol-dependent mice in unprecedented detail to investigate the hypothesis is that...

Drs. Dunsmoor and Lewis-Peacock receive R01 from NIH

Dr. Joey Dunsmoor and Dr. Jarrod Lewis-Peacock received and R01 from the National Institutes of Helath for their proposal entitled "Isolating competing memories of fear and safety in the human brain".   In psychiatric disorders characterized by severe stress and anxiety, memories of safety are more difficult to learn and remember...

Bob Messing awarded Distinguished Research Award from the Research Society on Alcoholism

Dr. Messing was awarded the 2021 Distinguished Research Award from the Research Society on Alcoholism. This award recognizes a senior researcher who has made outstanding scientific contributions to the alcohol field. This award recognizes a sustained long-term commitment to conducting alcohol research and a substantial record of publication in the field. As part...

Congratulations to Laura Enneian and Susan Rozmiarek - Recipients of CNS Staff Excellence Awards!

Congratulations to Laura Enneian, Assistant Director of Department of Neuroscience and Susan Rozmiarek, Lab Manager of the Pierce Lab in Department of Neuroscience for winning the 2020 College of Natural Sciences Staff Excellence Awards!! For decades, these awards have recognized excellent work performance by staff who have made a lasting impact in their...

Dr. Laura Colgin recognised with Suffrage Science award

The Suffrage Science scheme (https://www.suffragescience.org) was founded in 2011 by the Medical Research Council’s London Institute of Medical Sciences (then Clinical Sciences Centre) on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. It celebrates and inspires women in science, creating a self-perpetuating cohort of talent that will encourage others to enter science and reach senior...

Drs. Laura Colgin and Kristen Harris publish Veiwpoint articles in Journal of Neuroscience issue celebrating 50 years of neuroscience

Dr. Laura Colgin and Dr. Kristen Harris contributed Viewpoint articles in the the January 2020 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience highlighting 50 years of Neuroscience. Dr. Colgin authored an article entitiled "Five Decades of Hippocampal Place Cells and EEG Rhythms in Behaving Rats" in which she reviewed research that has...

Dr. Nigel Atkinson uses Wiki Education to teach science communication skills

A recent blog from the Genetics Society of America highlighted the use of Wikipedia writing assignments to create new articles for underrepresented topics previously as a mechanism to teach science communication skills in university classes. The article featured Dr. Nigel Atkinson use of this teaching technique in his Epegentics classes in which his students...

Drew Lab publishes in Nature Neuroscience

The Drew lab published a paper in Nature Neuroscience entitled "Distinct hippocampal engrams control extinction and relapse of fear memory".  This work demonstrates that the hippocampus, a part of the brain essential for memory, generates memory traces of both fear and extinction, and competition between these hippocampal traces determines whether fear is expressed...