Xue-Xin Wei Asks Basic Questions about the Nature of Intelligence
Learn more about Xue-Xin Wei's decision to join UT Austin's Department of Neuroscience as an assistant professor and his contributions to the field.

Discovery about Brain Cells that Promote Healing from Strokes Offers Treatment Insights
A type of cell once thought to hinder recovery in stroke patients may actually promote the healing process.

New Study Shows How Deep-learning Technology Can Improve Brain Imaging
The technology can be used to train computers to increase the resolution of low-quality cellular and tissue images acquired on point-scanning systems, such as MRI

Misinformation, the Brain and Tricks for Analyzing Data Accurately
Michela Marinelli, an associate professor of neuroscience and neurology, teaches students how to navigate data.

International Project to Provide Detailed View of New Complexities Linked to Synapses
UT Austin researchers will lead research that can help us understand more about how we think, sense, learn, act and remember.

Texas Science Students Serve the Community During the Pandemic
Undergraduates in public health, neuroscience and computer science found ways amidst the pandemic to help out their communities and fellow classmates.

Scientists Discover Molecular Culprits Linked to Alcohol Use Disorders
Findings help explain why some people go from moderate alcohol users to dependent on alcohol.