Other Resources & Forms

Other Resources

The Graduate Student Assembly. The Graduate Student Assembly seeks to improve the academic, social, and professional lives of graduate students at The University of Texas at Austin. They achieve this purpose by working to secure and protect the rights of all graduate students, to promote graduate student interests and opinions, and to create and promote programs and initiatives to benefit graduate students. They work to serve as a voice for graduate students on matters of academics, student welfare, and campus policy, and to create professional and social opportunities for engagement and collaboration


The University Writing Center The UWC provides free programs to support all UT graduate students as readers, writers, and communicators. Our trained graduate student consultants provide one-on-one feedback on any project at any stage of your writing process.  There is no charge for our services, which are generously supported by the Office of Graduate Studies and the College of Liberal Arts.


The College of Natural Sciences resources for graduate students page, included information on a Safe & Inclusive Campus, Academic Integrity, Information for Teach Assistants, and Other Services.