Getting involved in student organizations is a great way to meet others who share your neuroscience interests, learn more about the topics important to you, and find out more about events and careers in neuroscience-related fields. Involvement in such organizations can open important doors for post-college opportunities and is viewed positively on applications for graduate and medical programs. We strongly encourage undergraduates to get involved in student organizations, whatever their focus. This page lists just a few of the organizations that UT Neuroscience students are active in.
Synapse is an organization for students with an interest in neuroscience. More than just a place to find useful resources, advice, and connections, Synapse is a community for neuroscience nerds. If you’re just starting out in your neuroscience journey, being in this community can help you develop your interests and help you figure out what parts of neuroscience are most intriguing to you. Many students have found research labs through Synapse by attending research talks by professors specifically geared toward undergrads. Others have planned their career path through helpful advice from their peers. It’s also nice to see familiar faces in your neuroscience classes when you’ve met your classmates through Synapse meetings and socials. Members enjoy sharing research papers, discussing current events, and having fun as an important counterbalance to a long day in the lab or studying for classes. As a community of neuroscience enthusiasts, Synapse provides the perfect opportunity to grow together.
Pizza with Professors
This event is an opportunity for students to gather informally with neuroscience professors to ask questions about their undergraduate neuroscience education, graduate school, careers in neuroscience or whatever is on their mind. All students are welcome and encourage to attend, eat free pizza, and get acquainted with their fellow students and department faculty. This event is scheduled by the Synapse club several times each semester.
Neuroscience Undergraduate Reading Program (NURP)
NURP is a mentorship program for undergraduate students who want to develop their interests on a specific neuroscience topic. Each undergraduate is paired with a neuroscience graduate student with common interests to review and discuss journal articles together.
Other Organizations
Because of the wide range of interests of neuroscience students, it is difficult to compile a complete list of relevant student organizations. Hornslink is a great way to find out about groups and activities here on campus. The following organizations might be of particular interest for neuroscience students. (If you are a member of an organization and would like to add contact information to this list, contact Susan Cushman with your request.)