Harold Zakon
- Professor
- Neuroscience
- Integrative Biology
- Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Graduate Programs

Contact Information
Harold Zakon received his Ph.D. in Neurobiology & Behavior from Cornell University in 1981. He did postdoctoral research at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, which is part of the University of California at San Diego from 1981-1983. He joined the faculty of the former Zoology Department at the University of Texas in 1983. He has been Chairman of the Section of Neurobiology since it was founded in 1999. He has served on grant review panels at the NIH, editorial boards of a number of scientific journals and advisory boards of scientific societies. He has won awards for his research, such as an NIH Research Career Development Award and a Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, as well as teaching excellence at UT. He has been a director and faculty member of the “Neural Systems and Behavior” summer course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts (1995-2005), and the Chairman of international meetings including the “Gordon Research Conference in Neuroethology” at Oxford University (1999, 2002) and the International Society for Neuroethology (2010). He holds a position as Adjunct Scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. He was a visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge (2012) and at the Ludwig Maximilian University and University of Konstanz in Germany (2015).
Ion channels are fundamental for the workings of the nervous system. We study the function, regulation, and evolution of voltage-dependent ion channels. Our main focus has been to study the regulation of sodium and potassium channels by hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and by phosphorylation. A major emphasis of the laboratory has been cloning these ion channel genes and understanding their transcriptional regulation. In addition, we have been studying the molecular evolution of ion channel genes in vertebrates.
Research Areas
- Neuroscience
Fields of Interest
- Electrophys, Optogenetics & Chemogenetics
- Cellular/Molecular/Structure
- Behavior and Neuroscience
2018 Thompson A, Infield DT, Smith AR, Smith GT, Ahern CA, Zakon HH Rapid evolution of a voltage-gated sodium channel gene in a lineage of electric fish leads to a persistent sodium current. PLoS Biology 16: e2004892.
2018 Immani S, Ghezzi A, Markham MR, Halling DB, Lu Y, Gallant J, Zakon HH Electrostatic Tuning of a Potassium Channel in Electric Fish. Current Biology 28: 2094-2102.
2017 Tarvin RD, Borghese C, Sachs W, Santos JC, Lu Y, O’Connell LA, Cannatella, DC, Harris RA, Zakon HH Interacting amino acid replacements allow poison frogs to evolve epibatidine resistance. Science 357:1261-1266.
2016 Tarvin RD, Santos JC, O’Connell LA, Zakon HH, Cannatella DC Convergent substitutions in a sodium channel suggest multiple origins of toxin resistance in poison frogs. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33: 1068-1081.
2015 Liebeskind BJ, Hillis DM, Zakon HH Convergence of ion channel gene content in early animal evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 112: E846-E851.
2014 Gallant JR, Traeger LL, Volkening JD, Moffett H, Chen PH, Novina CD, Phillips Jr. GN, Anand R, Wells GB, Pinch M, Robert Güth R, Unguez GA, Albert JS, Zakon HH, Samanta MP, Sussman MR Genomic basis for the convergent evolution of electric organs. Science 344: 1522-1525.