Eyal Seidemann
- Professor
- Neuroscience
Accepting graduate students 25-26 academic year

Contact Information
Eyal Seidemann received his undergraduate and Master's degrees from Tel Aviv University in Israel. Dr. Seidemann conducted his graduate studies in Bill Newsome's lab at Stanford University and obtained his PhD in Neuroscience in 1998. He then pursued his postdoctoral work with Amiram Grinvald at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, where he was the first recipient of the Koshland Scholarship. Dr. Seidemann joined the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin in the Fall of 2002. He is currently a Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology and a member of the Center for Perceptual Systems and the Institute for Neuroscience.
The overarching goal of research in my lab is to understand how perceptual decisions and motor plans are represented and processed in the primate cerebral cortex. To address these questions, we employ a novel and unique combination of optical, genetic and electrophysiological techniques to measure ("read") and manipulate ("write") neural responses in awake, behaving primates. Our ability to record optically from the cortex of alert animals puts us in a unique position; it allows us to directly visualize cortical activity in real-time, while subjects perform demanding perceptual or motor tasks. We then build computational models that attempt to explain how the measured neural activity could lead to the observed behavior. Finally, we test the predictions of these quantitative models by measuring how perceptual decisions or motor plans change following selective manipulations of the neural response using precise optical, electrical or pharmacological manipulations.
Research Areas
- Neuroscience
Fields of Interest
- Electrophys, Optogenetics & Chemogenetics
- Optical Imaging
- Behavior
- Cognition/Sensory Systems
- Computational/Theoretical
- Bai, Y., Chen, S., Chen, Y., Geisler, W.S., and Seidemann, E. (2021). Similar masking effects of natural backgrounds on detection performances in humans, macaques, and macaque-V1 population responses. J Neurophysiol 125, 2125-2134. [download]
- Trautmann, E., O’Shea, D.J., Sun, X., …Seidemann, E., …, Deisseroth K., Shenoy K. V. (2021). An optical brain-computer interface in rhesus macaques enabled by two-photon calcium imaging of dendritic signals in motor cortex. Nature Communication (in press). [download]
- Chen, S.C., Benvenuti, G., Chen, Y., Kumar, S., Ramakrishnan, C., Deisseroth, K., Geisler, W.S., and Seidemann, E. (2021). Similar neural and perceptual masking effects of low-power optogenetic stimulation in primate V1. bioRxiv, 2021.2002.2016.431182. [download]
- Li, B., Routh, B.N., Johnston, D., Seidemann, E*., and Priebe, N.J*. (2020). Voltage-Gated Intrinsic Conductances Shape the Input-Output Relationship of Cortical Neurons in Behaving Primate V1. Neuron 107, 185-196.e184. *Equal contribution [download]
- Tremblay, S., …Seidemann, E., …, Platt M.L. (2020). An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics. Neuron 108, 1075-1090.e1076. [download]
- Chen, Y., Ko, H., Zemelman, B.V., Seidemann, E., and Nauhaus, I. (2020). Uniform spatial pooling explains topographic organization and deviation from receptive-field scale invariance in primate V1. Nat Commun 11, 6390. [download]
- Mehta, P., Kreeger, L., Wylie, D.C., Pattadkal, J.J., Lusignan, T., Davis, M.J., Turi, G.F., Li, W.K., Whitmire, M.P., Chen, Y., Kajs B. L., Seidemann E., Priebe N. J., Losonczy A., Zemelman B. V. (2019). Functional Access to Neuron Subclasses in Rodent and Primate Forebrain. Cell Reports 26, 2818-2832.e2818. [download]
- Seidemann, E., and Geisler, W.S. (2018). Linking V1 Activity to Behavior. Annual review of vision science 4, 287-310. [download]
- Benvenuti, G., Chen, Y., Ramakrishnan, C., Deisseroth, K., Geisler, W., and Seidemann, E. (2018). Scale-Invariant Visual Capabilities Explained by Topographic Representations of Luminance and Texture in Primate V1. Neuron 100, 1-9. [download]
- Michel, M.M., Chen, Y., Seidemann, E., and Geisler, W.S. (2018). Nonlinear Lateral Interactions in V1 Population Responses Explained by a Contrast Gain Control Model. J Neurosci 38, 10069-10079. [download]
- Michelson, C., Pillow, J., and Seidemann, E. (2017). Majority of choice-related variability in perceptual decisions is present in early sensory cortex. bioRxiv. [download]
- Seidemann, E., Chen, Y., Bai, Y., Chen, S.C., Mehta, P., Kajs, B.L., Geisler, W.S., and Zemelman, B.V. (2016). Calcium imaging with genetically encoded indicators in behaving primates. eLife 5. [download]
- Yang, Z., Heeger, D.J., Blake, R., and Seidemann, E. (2014). Long-range traveling waves of activity triggered by local dichoptic stimulation in V1 of behaving monkeys. Journal of neurophysiology 113, 277-294. [download]
- Tan, A.Y.Y., Chen, Y., Scholl, B., Seidemann, E.*, and Priebe, N.J.* (2014). Sensory stimulation shifts visual cortex from synchronous to asynchronous states. Nature 509, 226-229. *Equal contribution [download]
- Michel, M., Chen, Y., Geisler, W., and Seidemann, E. (2013). An illusion predicted by V1 population activity implicates cortical topography in shape perception. Nature Neuroscience 16, 1477-1483. [download]
- Palmer, C.R., Chen, Y., and Seidemann, E. (2012). Uniform spatial spread of population activity in primate parafoveal V1. Journal of Neurophysiology 107, 1857-1867. [download]
- Chen, Y., Palmer, C.R., and Seidemann, E. (2012). The relationship between voltage-sensitive dye imaging signals and spiking activity of neural populations in primate V1. Journal of Neurophysiology, 3281-3295. [download]
- Chen, Y., and Seidemann, E. (2012). Attentional modulations related to spatial gating but not to allocation of limited resources in primate V1. Neuron 74, 557-566. [download]
- Sit, Y.-F., Chen, Y., Geisler, W.S., Miikkulainen, R., and Seidemann, E. (2009). Complex dynamics of V1 population responses explained by a simple gain-control model. Neuron 24, 943-956. [download]
- Seidemann, E., Chen, Y., and Geisler, W.S. (2009). Encoding and Decoding with Neural Populations in the Primate Cortex. In The Cognitive Neurosciences IV, M.S. Gazzaniga, ed. [download]
- Chen, Y., Geisler, W.S., and Seidemann, E. (2008). Optimal Temporal Decoding of V1 Population Responses in a Reaction-Time Detection Task. J Neurophysiol 99, 1366-1379. [download]
- Yang, Z., Heeger, D.J., and Seidemann, E. (2007). Rapid and precise retinotopic mapping of the visual cortex obtained by voltage sensitive dye imaging in the behaving monkey. J Neurophysiol 98, 1002-1014. [download]
- Chen, Y., Geisler, W.S., and Seidemann, E. (2006). Optimal decoding of correlated neural population responses in the primate visual cortex. Nat Neurosci 9, 1412-1420. [download]
- Seidemann, E., Arieli, A., Grinvald, A., and Slovin, H. (2002). Dynamics of depolarization and hyperpolarization in the frontal cortex and saccade goal. Science 295, 862-865. [download]
- Heeger, D.J., Boynton, G.M., Demb, J.B., Seidemann, E., and Newsome, W.T. (1999). Motion opponency in visual cortex. J Neurosci 19, 7162-7174. [download]
- Seidemann, E., Poirson, A.B., Wandell, B.A., and Newsome, W.T. (1999). Color signals in area MT of the macaque monkey. Neuron 24, 911-917. [download]
- Seidemann, E., and Newsome, W.T. (1999). Effect of spatial attention on the responses of area MT neurons. Journal Of Neurophysiology 81, 1783-1794. [download]
- Seidemann, E., Zohary, E., and Newsome, W.T. (1998). Temporal gating of neural signals during performance of a visual discrimination task. Nature 394, 72-75. [download]
- Groh, J.M., Seidemann, E., and Newsome, W.T. (1996). Neurophysiology: Neural fingerprints of visual attention. Current Biology 6, 1406-1409. [download]
- Seidemann, E., Meilijson, I., Abeles, M., Bergman, H., and Vaadia, E. (1996). Simultaneously recorded single units in the frontal cortex go through sequences of discrete and stable states in monkeys performing a delayed localization task. Journal Of Neuroscience 16, 752-768. [download]