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Shields, Stephanie

Stephanie M Shields

INS Graduate Student - Huk and Cormack Labs

3D visual perception, both at the level of early neural computations and naturalistic dynamic visually-guided behavior

Lattenkamp, E.Z.*, Shields, S.M.*, Schutte, M., Richter, J., Linnenschmidt, M., Vernes, S.C., & Wiegrebe, L. (2019). The vocal repertoire of pale spear-nosed bats in a social roosting context. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,7. (* these authors contributed equally)

Winterling, S.L., Shields, S.M., & Rose, M. (2019). Reduced memory-related ongoing oscillatory activity in healthy elderly individuals. Neurobiology of Aging, 79: 1-10.

Shields, S.M., Morse, C.E., & Nichols, D.F. (2017). Exploration of methodological and participant-related influences on the number of artifacts in ERP data. IMPULSE: 1-15.

Shields, S.M., Morse, C.E., Arrington, P., & Nichols, D.F. (2017). Exploration of the influence of smiling on initial reactions across levels of facial attractiveness. American Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience14(2): 65-79.

Shields, S.M., Morse, C.E., Applebaugh, E.D., Muntz, T.L., & Nichols, D.F. (2016). Are electrode caps worth the investment? An evaluation of EEG methods in undergraduate neuroscience laboratory courses and research. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education15(1): A29-A37.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2020-23)

Recipient, Institute for Neuroscience NIH Training Grant (2018-20)

Finalist, Fulbright U.S. Student Program: Study/Research in Germany (2017-18)