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Monfils, Marie

Marie H Monfils

Department of Psychology, Department of Neuroscience

Profile for Marie-H. Monfils at UT Austin liberalarts.utexas.edu


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AUSTIN, TX 78712

Prof. Marie Monfils received her Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience from the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, and conducted a postdoctoral fellowship at New York University. She is currently pursuing 3 research streams:

  1. investigating post-consolidation manipulations that can persistently attenuate fear memories,

  2. isolating the factors that underlie affiliative kinship and the social transmission of information,

  3. assessing individual differences and their impact on fear attenuation.

Prof. Monfils welcomes all members of our community and is an ally to BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, first-generation, low SES, neurodiverse, and visibly/non-visibly disabled persons.

Representative Publications

See more publications on PubMed

Monfils MH (2022) The high road to inhibiting fear memories. Biological Psychiatry, 92(2), 102-103.

Monfils MH, Lee HJ, Cofresi RU, Gonzales RA (2022) Friend recollections, and a collection of collaborations with Nadia. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience.

Song M, Jones CE, Monfils MH, and Niv Y (2022) Explaining the effectiveness of fear extinction through latent-cause inference. Neurons Behavior Data Analysis & Theory Journal.

Agee LA, Nemchek V, Malone C, Lee HJ, and Monfils M (2022) Social and Appetitive Behavior in the Social Transmission of Food Preference Paradigm Predict Activation of Orexin-A producing Neurons. Neuroscience.

Nemchek V, Agee LA, Malone C, Raskin M, Seese SO, & Monfils MH (2021) Transportation Cues and Play Behavior Influence Novelty-Induced Context Exploration. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

Lancaster CL, Monfils MH, and Telch MJ (2020) Augmenting exposure therapy with pre-extinction fear memory reactivation and deepened extinction: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 135.

Burgos-Robles A, Gothard KM, Monfils MH, Morozov A, Vicentic A.(2019) Conserved features of anterior cingulate networks support observational learning across species. Neurosci Biobehav Rev., 107:215-228

Agee LA, Jones CE, & Monfils MH (2019) Differing effects of familiarity/kinship in the social transmission of fear associations and food preferences in rats. Animal Cognition, 22(6): 1013-1026. 

Monfils MH, Lee HJ, Keller NE, Roquet RF, Quevedo S, Agee LA, Cofresi R, & Shumake J (2019) Predicting extinction phenotype to optimize fear reduction. Psychopharmacology, 236(1): 99-110.

Monfils MH & Agee LA (2019) Insights from social transmission of information in rats. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 30:e12534

Monfils MH & Holmes EA (2018) Memory boundaries: opening a window to treat anxiety-related and addiction disorders inspired by reconsolidation. Lancet Psychiatry. pii: S2215-0366(18)30270-0

Agee LA & Monfils MH (2018) Effect of demonstrator reliability and recency of last demonstration on acquisition of a socially transmitted food preference. Royal Society Open Science, 5(6): 172391.

Roquet RF, Seo DO, Jones CE, & Monfils MH (2018) Differential effects of predictable vs. un-predictable aversive experience early in development on fear memory and learning in adulthood. Behavioral Neuroscience, 132(1):57-65.

Shumake J, Jones CE, Auchter A, Monfils MH (2018) Data-driven criteria to assess fear remission and phenotypic variability of extinction in rats. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 373(1742).

Jones CE, Agee L, Monfils MH (2018) Fear conditioning by-proxy: social transmission of fear between interacting conspecifics. Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 83(1):e43.

Roquet RF, & Monfils MH (2018) Does Exercise Augment Operant and Pavlovian Extinction: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 96:73-93.

Jacquart J, Roquet R, Papini S, Rosenfield D, Powers MB, Smits JA, Monfils MH (2017) Effects of AcuteExercise on Fear Extinction in Rats and Exposure Therapy in Humans: Null Findings from Five Experiments. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 50:76-86.

Gershman SJ, Monfils MH, Norman K, & Niv Y (2017) The computational nature of memory reconsolidation. eLife, 6. pii: e23763.

Auchter A, Shumake J, Gonzalez-Lima F, Monfils MH (2017) Enhancement of fear extinction by methylene blue and reconsolidation updating is dependent on extinction learning. Scientific Reports, 7:46071.

Cofresi RU, Chaudhri N, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Gonzales R (2017) Post-retrieval extinction attenuates alcohol cue reactivity in rats. Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research, 41(3):608-617.

Auchter A, Cormack L, Niv Y, Gonzalez-Lima, & Monfils MH  (2017) Reconsolidation extinction interactions in fear memory attenuation: examining the role of inter-trial interval variability. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, 11:2.  

Telch M, York J, Lancaster C, & Monfils MH (2017) Use of a brief fear memory reactivation procedure for enhancing exposure therapy. Clinical Psychological Science, 5(2): 367-378. 

Meyza KZ, Bartal IB, Monfils MH, Panksepp J & Knapska E (2017) The biological roots of empathy: through the lens of rodent models. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 76(PtB):216-234.

Jones CE & Monfils MH (2016) Post retrieval extinction in adolescence prevents return of juvenile fear. Learning and Memory, 23(10):567-75.

Jones CE & Monfils MH (2016) Dominance Status Predicts Social Fear Transmission in Laboratory Rats. Animal Cognition, 19(6):1051-69.

Jones CE & Monfils MH (2016) Fight, Flight, or Freeze? The Answer May Depend on Your Sex.  Trends in Neuroscience,  pii: S0166-2236(15)00284-2.

Shumake J & Monfils MH  (2015) Assessing Fear Following Retrieval + Extinction Through Suppression of Baseline Reward Seeking vs. Freezing. Front Behav Neuroscience, 9:355.

Shumake J, Furgeson-Moreira S, & Monfils MH (2014) Predictability and heritability of individual differences in fear learning. Animal Cognition, 17(5): 1207-21.

Jones CE, Riha P, Gore AC, & Monfils MH (2014) Social transmission of Pavlovian fear: Fear conditioning by-proxy in related female rats. Animal Cognition, 17(3): 827-34

Gershman SJ, Jones CE, Norman KA, Monfils MH, Niv Y (2013) Gradual extinction prevents the return of fear: implications for the discovery of state. Front Behav Neurosci., 7:164.

Olshavsky ME, Jones CE, Lee HJ, & Monfils MH (2013) Appetitive behavioral traits and stimulus intensity influence maintenance of conditioned fear. Front Behav Neurosci., 7:179.

Jones CE, Ringuet S, Monfils MH (2013) Learned together, extinguished apart: reducing fear to complex stimuli. Learning and Memory, 20(12): 674-85

Bruchey AK, Jones CE, & Monfils MH (2010) Fear conditioning by proxy: social transmission of fear during memory retrieval. Behavioral Brain Research, 214(1):80-4.

Monfils MH, Cowansage KK, E Klann & JE LeDoux (2009) Extinction-reconsolidation boundaries: key to persistent attenuation of fear memories. Science, 324(5929):951-5, PMID: 19342552.