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Drs. Laura Colgin and Kristen Harris publish Veiwpoint articles in Journal of Neuroscience issue celebrating 50 years of neuroscience

Dr. Laura Colgin and Dr. Kristen Harris contributed Viewpoint articles in the the January 2020 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience highlighting 50 years of Neuroscience. Dr. Colgin authored an article entitiled "Five Decades of Hippocampal Place Cells and EEG Rhythms in Behaving Rats" in which she reviewed research that has...

Dr. Nigel Atkinson uses Wiki Education to teach science communication skills

A recent blog from the Genetics Society of America highlighted the use of Wikipedia writing assignments to create new articles for underrepresented topics previously as a mechanism to teach science communication skills in university classes. The article featured Dr. Nigel Atkinson use of this teaching technique in his Epegentics classes in which his students...

Drew Lab publishes in Nature Neuroscience

The Drew lab published a paper in Nature Neuroscience entitled "Distinct hippocampal engrams control extinction and relapse of fear memory".  This work demonstrates that the hippocampus, a part of the brain essential for memory, generates memory traces of both fear and extinction, and competition between these hippocampal traces determines whether fear is expressed...

Jason Samonds and Sarah Lieberman in Priebe Lab publish in eNeuro

Priebe Lab members Jason Samonds, a postdoctoral fellow, and Sarah Lieberman, an undergraduate summer intern that was supported by the Department of Neuroscience summer intern program, publishes a research article in eNeuro entitled "Motion Discrimination and the Motion Aftereffect in Mouse Vision."  This research on the motion aftereffect, a well-known illusion...

Dr. Micky Marinelli receives RO1 and RO3 grants from NIDA

Dr. Micky Marinelli received 2 grants from the National Institutes on Drug Abuse. She received an RO1 for her research project entitled “The lateral preoptic area: A novel regulator of VTA activity and cocaine seeking”. The research will investigate the potential role of the lateral preoptic area in drug seeking and...