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Dr. Thibaud Taillefumier chosen as a 2024-25 Provost's Mentored Faculty Scholar

Dr. Thibaud Taillefumier was among the 17 junior faculty selected from across the University to participate in the Provost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars interdisciplinary mentorship program. The Provost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars program augments traditional, within-department faculty mentoring at UT by facilitating 1:1 mentor-mentee pairing across departments, or even across colleges. This program offers...

Mike Mauk receives the 2023 Pavlovian Society Gantt Award

Dr. Mike Mauk receives the 2023 Pavlovian Society Gantt Award. The Pavlovian Gantt is awarded to individuals who have made distinguished contributions to the fields of psychology, physiology, behavioral neuroscience, psychophysiology, mental health or medicine within the confines of Pavlovian conceptual models.

Dr. Lief Fenno and colleagues publish in Nature Neuroscience

Dr. Lief Fenno, along with a team of researchers from Northwestern University, publisedh a research article in Nature Neuroscience entitled "Unique functional responses differentially map onto genetic subtypes of dopamine neurons". In this study, the researchers identified and recorded from three genetic subtypes of dopamine neurons in the midbrain region of...

Drs. Denisse Parades and Nihal Salem awarded UT Provost's Early Career Fellowship

Congratulations to Dr. Denisse Paredes, postdoc in the Drew lab and Dr. Nihal Salem, postdoc from the Mayfield lab, for being awarded a UT Provost's Early Career Fellowship The Provost’s Early Career Fellows program supports promising postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from a variety of disciplines and colleges across the university in their...

Drs. Audrey Brumback and Jon Pierce receive NIH grant to study genetics in autism

The important role of genetics in autism development has become increasingly obvious. Many genes implicated in autism are so fundamental to basic neurobiology that species as diverse as worms and humans share them. After discovering that natural variability in autism-related genes correlates with alterations in worm social behavior, Audrey Brumback, MD, PhD,...