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Drs. Seidemann and Zemelman publish in eLife and featured on Human Frontiers website

Dr. Eyal Seidemann and Dr. Boris Zemelman recently published a paper in eLife entitled “Calcium imaging with genetically encoded indicators in behaving primates.”  This project describes a new technique for long-term (over a period of months) imaging of neural activity in the visual cortex of the behaving primate by measuring activity-dependent calcium signals of a genetically encoded calcium indicator (GCaMP6f) construct that is injected into the brain

This project was funded in part by an award to Zemelman from the Human Frontier Science Program and was highlighted on the Human Frontiers website.  Click here to see the Human Frontiers feature.

Seidemann E, Chen Y, Bai Y, Chen SC, Mehta P, Kajs BL, Geisler WS, and Zemelman BV. 2016. Calcium imaging with genetically encoded indicators in behaving primates. Elife. 2016 Jul 21;5. pii: e16178. doi: 10.7554

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